„Load management for charging stations with OpenEMS” – Christian Lehne & Ulrich Laupp opernikus GmbH

In the presentation which was held by the two CEO’s of opernikus GmbH, Christian Lehne and Ulrich Laupp first highlighted the out-of-the-box controllers and drivers of OpenEMS for the management of a charging park. Based on a current customer project, they also demonstrated how special customer requirements regarding load management can be implemented with OpenEMS. In addition, they pointed out how OpenEMS offers the possibility to simulate various situations to intensively test a controller before it is used in production.

Get in touch with opernikus GmbH:

opernikus GmbH
Standort Bayern:
Telefon: +49 173 2894094

Standort Südniedersachsen:
Telefon: +49 151 64962833

E-Mail: info@opernikus.de
Web: www.opernikus.de