What future innovations does the renewable energy industry need?

Exclusive Interview with the ees AWARD Finalists 2020

Innovations in the energy storage industry are driving the modernization of the energy infrastructure worldwide. Every year, the ees AWARD in the category Electrical Energy Storage honors all companies that already contribute to an intelligent, sustainable and cost-effective energy supply. 

On June 4, 2020, this year’s ees AWARD Finalists 2020 were officially announced. We interviewed them exclusively and asked them about the importance of the finalist nomination, their innovation and the need for future innovation in the renewable energy industry. 


What future innovations does the renewable energy industry need?

„Flexibility! We need flexible storage systems, manageable loads and open EMS systems to take over the 100% energy supply without fossil/nuclear backup. But we also need flexibility in the storage systems themselves: I believe that many systems will not just stay unchanged at one place for 20 years, because load curves will change, e-cars will come and additional applications are needed.“

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