Delfine Big Picture: Dynamic Demand-Response-Systems for Sustainable industrial production by means of efficient energy generation, use and distribution – Networking Friday, 24.03.2023, 14 Uhr

Hendro Wicaksono von der Jacobs University und Christoph July von devolo gehen im Impulsvortrag auf folgendes Thema ein:

The energy turnabout in Europe provides new challenges and more complex distribution paths in modern smart energy grids. Establishing novel demand response schemes represents one of the crucial corner stones of efficient smart grid. 

This is where “Delfine” comes into play. Delfine is a publicly funded project in which an interdisciplinary consortium of industry and scientific partners developed demand response solutions for industrial producers. Checking and predicting the availability of green energy directly at the production sites enabled the consortium to develop tools for an optimized production planning and a tight alignment of the production with local energy resources – thus decreasing costs significantly. Delfine provides new ways into sustainable production and business models relying strongly on future energy production schemes.

Wie immer wird es direkt im Anschluss genug Raum zum entspannten Austausch zum Thema geben und wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Teilnehmer.

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