Release 2020.20.0

Enable Gitpod cloud IDE

The Gitpod workspace automatically builds and runs instances of OpenEMS Edge, Backend and UI. They are preconfigured to simulate an energy system with two photovoltaics systems, an energy storage system, simulated consumption, self-consumption optimization and some controllers that act on simulated I/Os.

To open a Gitpod workspace, follow the links in the main README.MD file or directly

Massive performance improvements on Energy Storage Systems Power-Solver

The Ess Power Component is responsible for distributing power requirements to one or more energy storage systems, while considering arbitrary constraints and optimizing for certain targets. These updates improve the performance of this solver by more than 400 % on large systems

Update to Angular 10 and more UI updates

Improve integrity tests of OpenEMS configuration (via OSGi-Validate-Worker)

…and lots of code quality improvements and bug fixes

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