Release 2021.4.0

Implementation of Advanced Battery Protection algorithms

The „Battery-Protection“ implementation serves as an addition to low-level battery management systems (BMS). It allows a fine grained definition of battery protection parameters and handles logics that are shared between different BMS implementations.

Implementation of a new Prediction architecture

  • This new Predictor architecture uses modular Predictors, e.g. implementation of the Predictor24Hours. These Predictors can announce for which channels they allow a prediction and provide a Prediction24Hours result.
  • The entire process of getting a prediction is handled by the PredictorManager. It knows which actual Predictors to ask for their prediction, post-processes these predictions and returns them either directly in code via the Predictor::get24HoursPrediction() method or via a get24HoursPrediction JSON-RPC request to the _predictorManager component.
  • developed within the EMSIG project:

Improvements to OpenEMS documentation

Integrate some documentation that was created within the EASY-RES research project:

…and lots of minor additions, code quality improvements and bug fixes

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