8th Birthday of OpenEMS

On 24th April 2016 the first „Hello World“ commit for OpenEMS was made. Now, exactly eight years later, we have an entire ecosystem around „the Open Source Operating System for the Energy Transition“. Some key facts:

The Software

We use the COCOMO model to calculate the „Estimated Cost to Develop OpenEMS from scratch“. For details see „Sloc Cloc and Clode (scc)“: https://github.com/boyter/scc

Popularity on the developers platform Github is continuously rising:

The OpenEMS Community

A huge number of users, enthusiasts, service providers, etc. meet in the OpenEMS Community, share their ideas and work on solutions. Currently there are registered users from 53 different countries:

In average we measure ~20.000 individual actual pageviews in the Community per month:

The OpenEMS Association e.V.

But OpenEMS is much more its source code and the Community. The governing organization OpenEMS Association e.V. embraces and supports the idea of an open source energy management system:

And the story goes on…

Together we keep working on solutions for the digital power grid and complex energy management

Join us now:

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